Part 78: Episode LXIX: Goodbye to My Home
Well then. I suppose standing around will do us no good. Especially because the only sound left is distant rumbling and the omnipresent “ITSANNOYINGHUH?” alarm of Home. We cannot get out of this Al Bhed trash heap soon enough.
Tidus has no real indication as to where he is to be heading at this point. But everyone else seemed to have come to a consensus to head this way during his Yuna sacrifice epiphany freak-out session and he probably feels he's taken enough of everyone's time at this juncture. We'll just continue along this ominous looking platform further into the crumbling wreckage of Home.
Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Normandy... Cid, Brother, and an anonymous Al Bhed red shirt who doesn't earn a proper name take up positions on the bridge. Well, the latter two do at least. Cid just runs around yelling at people.

Tidus runs onto the bridge. The rest of the party sort of just materialize between camera cuts. Maybe I'm a bit too hard on Final Fantasy X's poor direction. It could be much, much worse. For instance, I watched Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within for the first time last week and *sound of a wet fart oozes out of mouth*


Tidus awkward lifts Cid up by his collar...

Cid proceeds to DUNK Tidus for getting in his face and throwing a pity party.



Oh yeah, by the way we are on an airship. What did you think we weren't going to reach a place with some actual technology and they weren't going to use it as an excuse to bust out an airship?

The ship rumbles...


New Music: Start
1000 Oaync Ujantia yd dra Sasuno Pyhg.
The Al Bhed planned ahead in case they would have to one-day bug out dramatically from Home in an airship. I mean granted if say... Sin rolled in and toppled down one of those towers within spitting distance of the airship hangar the wrong direction, this would be a very short, embarrassing launch. But, details...
The airship was actually ancient Zanarkand machina game show technology. You'd spin the giant wheel while flying over the city for big money and prizes. It was a real hit with the retiree crowd.
Behold Final Fantasy X's airship, The Fahrenheit. If you're thinking to yourself “boy the game is really going to start to open up now that the party reached an airship” like most every other previous Final Fantasy game then boy are you about to be disappointed!

Home has certainly seen better days. It's a shame we only got to see three hallways, a couple of warehouse chambers, and a trio of bed rooms in our visit there. But if you'd like to see more endless brown corridors, might I refer you to this little title called “Dirge of Cerberus”.
Some of the rampaging Guado summoned fiends are taking issue with the Al Bhed escape vehicle and begin to pursue. But we'll not be paying them much mind. I do have to question how the hell the Guado managed to trek across the desert in an isolated sub-continent well off the Spira mainland to mount this assault in the first place. Were they riding on this big dopey Zu monsters?


New Music: Song of Prayer ~ Al Bhed
The Al Bhed begin singing the Hymn of the Fayth chant together. Well, except for Rikku. She's throw the whole chorus off.


Music: Hurry!!
Apparently the Al Bhed weren't entirely sure this millennium old vehicle was actually going to work. But that didn't stop them from loading it with enough ordinance to take out a major population center. Always be prepared, even if you're just winging it.
It stands to reason they've probably never actually fired this thing before as this is the inaugural flight of the Fahrenheit. So might as well go big or go home, ya?
And when I say “go big”, I of course mean...
...fuck it! Let's glass the whole desert! Suck it, Guado! Here's a Sending for ya!
Granted, maybe nuking Home while flying barely a mile away from it wasn't the soundest of strategies in the land. But you've got to learn somehow when it comes to re-unearthing atomic weapons.
Besides it's fine. Just a little bit of turbulence on the flight and the airship is no worse for wear. Didn't even scuff the fresh gaudy neon paint job they've done on the hull.
Cid is fucking stoked to have just performed the first successful nuclear detonation in 1,000 years on his people's former home and having turned the remaining Guado invaders into tree elf ashes. Others are less enthusiastic...


And on that note, we'll take a break before Wakka sticks his foot so far down his mouth that Cid has to comes over and dunk him out an airlock to get it dislodged.

Video: Episode 69 Highlight Reel (Recommended Viewing)

Cid Portrait Concept Art

Cid Concept Art